TagAssociationContainer Data Type

Abstract Type
name data type description
resources array of DataResource
tagAssociationViewList array of TagAssociationView


This data type is abstract. The example below may be incomplete. More accurate examples can be found in subtypes pages.
  "resources" : [ {
    "permToReadMap" : {
      "property1" : true,
      "property2" : true
    "dataSetId" : "...",
    "canAssociateTag" : true,
    "partitionCount" : 12345,
    "owner" : "...",
    "xmlRowTag" : "...",
    "separator" : "...",
    "dataSourceName" : "...",
    "errorMsg" : "...",
    "permittedToRead" : true,
    "timeOfResourceChange" : 12345,
    "resourcePath" : "...",
    "allowedTagDomainKeys" : [ "...", "..." ],
    "dataSetRoot" : true,
    "timeOfResourceCreation" : 12345,
    "timeOfResourceAccess" : 12345,
    "dataSetMember" : true,
    "subscribersCount" : 12345,
    "dataSetVirtualFolders" : [ "...", "..." ],
    "resourceState" : "...",
    "datasetVirtualFolderName" : "...",
    "name" : "...",
    "reportedFields" : [ {
      "dataType" : "...",
      "label" : "...",
      "name" : "...",
      "description" : "..."
    }, {
      "dataType" : "...",
      "label" : "...",
      "name" : "...",
      "description" : "..."
    } ],
    "timeOfLastProfile" : 12345,
    "dataSourceType" : "...",
    "tableType" : "...",
    "runId" : "...",
    "joinResources" : [ "...", "..." ],
    "collectionRoot" : true,
    "parquetBinaryAsString" : true,
    "partitionDefinition" : [ "...", "..." ],
    "processedTime" : 12345,
    "origins" : [ "...", "..." ],
    "logicalFolderContext" : "...",
    "dataSetPathSpecs" : {
      "property1" : [ {
        "sourcePath" : "...",
        "excludePattern" : "...",
        "includePattern" : "..."
      }, {
        "sourcePath" : "...",
        "excludePattern" : "...",
        "includePattern" : "..."
      } ],
      "property2" : [ {
        "sourcePath" : "...",
        "excludePattern" : "...",
        "includePattern" : "..."
      }, {
        "sourcePath" : "...",
        "excludePattern" : "...",
        "includePattern" : "..."
      } ]
    "fieldCount" : 12345,
    "timeOfLastRefresh" : 12345,
    "curationCount" : 12345,
    "dataSetRootResource" : "...",
    "browseContextDataset" : "...",
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    "dataPermitted" : true,
    "headerRow" : 12345,
    "rowCount" : 12345,
    "databaseName" : "...",
    "experts" : {
      "expertsType" : "DERIVED",
      "experts" : [ "...", "..." ]
    "favorite" : true,
    "resourceType" : "...",
    "xmlRootTag" : "...",
    "joinConditions" : [ {
      "leftResourceName" : "...",
      "leftFileFormat" : "...",
      "rightTimeOfLastChange" : 12345,
      "rightTimeOfResourceChange" : 12345,
      "rightOwner" : "...",
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      "rightFileFormat" : "...",
      "leftSourceName" : "...",
      "joinOp" : "...",
      "leftTimeOfResourceChange" : 12345,
      "rightCols" : [ "...", "..." ],
      "leftCols" : [ "...", "..." ],
      "joinStatState" : "...",
      "joinOrder" : "...",
      "stats" : {
        "property1" : "...",
        "property2" : "..."
      "leftTimeOfLastChange" : 12345,
      "rightSourceId" : "...",
      "leftResourceId" : "...",
      "leftPath" : "...",
      "rightSourceName" : "...",
      "rightResourceName" : "...",
      "joinCardinality" : "...",
      "leftSize" : 12345,
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      "rightOrigin" : [ "...", "..." ],
      "tags" : [ { }, { } ],
      "rightResourceId" : "..."
    }, {
      "leftResourceName" : "...",
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      "rightTimeOfResourceChange" : 12345,
      "rightOwner" : "...",
      "leftOrigin" : [ "...", "..." ],
      "rightSize" : 12345,
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      "leftSourceId" : "...",
      "rightTags" : [ { }, { } ],
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      "rightFileFormat" : "...",
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      "leftCols" : [ "...", "..." ],
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      "joinOrder" : "...",
      "stats" : {
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      "rightSourceId" : "...",
      "leftResourceId" : "...",
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      "rightSourceName" : "...",
      "rightResourceName" : "...",
      "joinCardinality" : "...",
      "leftSize" : 12345,
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      "tags" : [ { }, { } ],
      "rightResourceId" : "..."
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