The REST API lets you:
While you can use the REST API to insert metadata into the catalog, you cannot use the API to create catalog entries. The data resources referenced by the Data Catalog are actual data assets that are created by browsing or profiling a data source. There are many properties that are controlled such that they can only be inserted by the Data Catalog system. For example, the REST API does not allow updates or changes to the data resource properties that are provided by the Data Catalog processing engine, such as file sizes, field names, field density or value count.
This table summarizes the objects that the API can access and the actions that can be performed on those objects:
Object Type | Create | Update | View Properties For | Delete |
Data sources | X | X | X | - |
Data resources | - | - | X | - |
Data sets | X | X | X | X |
Virtual folders | X | X | X | X |
Select system properties on data resources (such as Description) | - | X | X | - |
Custom properties on data resources | X | X | X | - |
Tag domains | X | X | X | X |
Tags | X | X | X | X |
Tag associations | X | X | X | X |
Lineage relationships | - | - | X | - |
User profiles | X | X | X | X |
Roles | X | X | X | X |
Favorites | X | X | X | X |
Reviews | X | X | X | X |
Configuration properties | - | X | X | - |
Audit events | - | - | X | X |
The Data Catalog API endpoint is available on the same base URL as the Data Catalog
server under the /api/v2/
For e.g., your API endpoint would be of the form:
Data Catalog supports the JSON content type for requests and responses. All requests must be
with the Content-Type: application/json
HTTP header
First, authenticate as a user with the privileges you'll need to perform the actions you want to access through REST. The REST interface uses the same authentication as the UI: you pass username and password that will validate against the authentication scheme you have configured.
NOTE: At this time, the authentication requires a password; if your service user does not have a password, you cannot perform REST calls with that user.
The authentication call is a POST to /login:
curl -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X POST -d '{ "username": "USER", "password": "PASSWORD" }' \ "http://localhost:8082/api/v2/login" -c cookie.txt
The call produces a session cookie that you reference in other calls.
This API returns standard HTTP status message to indicate the success or failure of a call. Successful calls are always met with the HTTP code "200". Calls that succeed through the HTTP protocol but fail to produce the expected response from Data Catalog are marked with the HTTP code "500" and specific information about the failure is provided in the response payload. Other failure codes may be returned through HTTP before Data Catalog receives the request. For example:
{"message": "Existing lineage already present between the pair of data resources"}
The HTTP response codes you can expect are as follows:
Response Code | Description |
200 |
OK. Request is successful. |
401 |
UNAUTHORIZED. The user is not yet authenticated with the server. Call POST /login to request authentication and try again. |
400 |
BAD REQUEST. Returned when parts of the parameters or request payload are not specified correctly or are missing. |
5XX |
SERVER ERROR. Returned when the server could not handle the request correctly or if there was an unexpected failure. Checking server logs should will provide more information. |
curl -X POST http://hostname:8082/api/v2/login -d '{"username":"username","password":"password"}' -H 'content-type: application/json' -c cookie.txt
curl -X GET http://hostname:8082/api/v2/version -H 'content-type: application/json' -b cookie.txt
curl -X GET http://hostname:8082/api/v2/dataresource/source/{sourceName}?resourcePath={completePath} -H 'content-type: application/json' -b cookie.txt
curl -X POST http://hostname:8082/api/v2/user -d '{"name":"{userName}","roles":[“{roleName}"],"attributes":{"firstName":"{first name}","lastName":"{last name}","email":"{email address}"}}' -H 'content-type: application/json' -b cookie.txt
curl -X GET http://hostname:8082/api/v2/user?name={userName} -H 'content-type: application/json' -b cookie.txt
curl -X DELETE http://hostname:8082/api/v2/user/{userKey} -H 'content-type: application/json' -b cookie.txt
curl -X POST http://hostname:8082/api/v2/user/role -d '{"name":"{role-name}","accessLevel":"{access Level},"description":"{description}"}' -H 'content-type: application/json' -b cookie.txt
curl -X GET http://hostname:8082/api/v2/user/role -H 'content-type: application/json' -b cookie.txt
curl -X GET http://hostname:8082/api/v2/user/role/byname?name={roleName} -H 'content-type: application/json' -b cookie.txt
curl -X PUT http://hostname:8082/api/v2/user/role/{roleKey}" -d '{"name":"{role-name}","accessLevel":"{access Level}", "domainKeys":["TagDomainKey"]}' -H 'content-type: application/json' -b cookie.txt
curl -X DELETE http://hostname:8082/api/v2/user/role/{roleKey} -H 'content-type: application/json' -b cookie.txt
curl -X POST http://hostname:8082/api/v2/tagdomain -d '{"name": "{Domain Name}","description":"{TagDomain Description}"}' -H 'content-type: application/json' -b cookie.txt
curl -X DELETE http://hostname:8082/api/v2/tagdomain/{domainKey} -H 'content-type: application/json' -b cookie.txt
curl -X PUT http://hostname:8082/api/v2/tagdomain/{domainKey} -d '{"name": "{Domain Name}","description":"{TagDomain Description}"}' -H 'content-type: application/json' -b cookie.txt
curl -X POST http://hostname:8082/api/v2/tagdomain/list -d '[{ "name": "{Domain Name 1}","description": "{TagDomain description 1}"}, { "name": “{Domain Name 2}","description": "{TagDomain description 2}"}, { "name": "{Domain Name 3}","description": "{TagDomain description 3}"}]' -H 'content-type: application/json' -b cookie.txt
curl -X POST http://hostname:8082/api/v2/tag -d '{"name":"{name of the tag}","description":"{description of the tag}","domainKey":"{domainKey}", "tagState":"VALUE", "enable":true}' -H 'content-type: application/json' -b cookie.txt
curl -X PUT http://hostname:8082/api/v2/tag/{TagKey} -d '{"name":"{name of the tag}","description":"{description of the tag}","domainKey":"{domainKey}", "enable":true,"learningEnabled":false}' -H 'content-type: application/json' -b cookie.txt
curl -X PUT http://hostname:8082/api/v2/tag/list -d '[ {"key":"{key1}","type":"tag","description":"{tag1Description}","domainKey":"{domainKey1}","parentKey":null,"name":"{tag1}","tagState":"VALUE","minScore":0.0,"regEx":null,"regexMinLen":0,"regexMaxLen":0,"regexFilterClass":null,"learningEnabled":true, "immutable":false,"enable":true,"fullName":"{tag1}"}, {"key":"{key2}","type":"tag","description":"{tag2Description}","domainKey":"{domainKey2}","parentKey":null,"name":"{tag1}","tagState":"VALUE","minScore":0.0,"regEx":null,"regexMinLen":0,"regexMaxLen":0,"regexFilterClass":null,"learningEnabled":true, "immutable":false,"enable":true,"fullName":"{tag2}"}]' -H "content-type: application/json" -b cookie.txt
curl -X GET http://hostname:8082/api/v2/tag/byname?tagName={tagname}&domainName={domainName} -H 'content-type: application/json' -b cookie.txt
curl -POST http://hostname:8082/api/v2/tag/list -d '[{"name":"name","description":"{Description}","domainKey":"{domainKey}", "tagState":"VALUE", "enable":true}, {"name":"name","description":"{Description}","domainKey":"{roleKey}", "tagState":"VALUE", "enable":true}, {"name":"name","description":"{Description}","domainKey":"{roleKey}", "tagState":"VALUE", "enable":true}, {"name":"name","description":"{Description}","domainKey":"{roleKey}", "tagState":"VALUE", "enable":true}] -H 'content-type: application/json' -b cookie.txt
curl -X GET http://hostname:8082/api/v2/tag/children/{tagKey} -d '{"name": "{Tag name}","domainKey": "{domain key}"}' -H 'content-type: application/json' -b cookie.txt
curl -X POST http://hostname:8082/api/v2/tagassociation -d '{"resourceKey":"{resourceKey}","tagKey":"{TagKey}","field":"{fieldName}","state": "ACCEPTED","semantic":"OTHER","description":"auto "}' -H 'content-type: application/json' -b cookie.txt
curl -X GET http://hostname:8082/api/v2/tagassociation/byresource?sourceName={sourceName}&resourcePath={completePath} -H 'content-type: application/json' -b cookie.txt
curl -X GET http://hostname:8082/api/v2/tagassociation/byfield?sourceName={sourceName}&resourcePath={completePath}&fieldName={fieldName} -H 'content-type: application/json' -b cookie.txt
curl -X PUT http://hostname:8082/api/v2/tagassociation/tagassociation/{tagAssociationKey} -d '{"resourceKey": "{resourceKey}","tagKey":"{tagKey}","state": "REJECTED","semantic":"OTHER"}' -H 'content-type: application/json' -b cookie.txt
curl -X DELETE http://hostname:8082/api/v2/tagassociation/tagassociation/{tagAssociationKey} -H 'content-type: application/json' -b cookie.txt
curl -i "http://hostname:8082/api/v2/dataresource/metadata?virtualFolderKeys={vfKey} &propertyFilter=id:{id1};{id2}&views=resource_path&pageSize=20" -b ./cookie
curl -i "http://hostname:8082/api/v2/dataresource/metadata?virtualFolderKeys={vfKey} &propertyFilter=resource_type:resource_type_hdfs_file&views=viewTags,viewFields&pageSize=20" -b ./cookie
curl -i "http://hostname.101:8082/api/v2/dataresource/metadata?virtualFolderKeys={vfKey} &resourceModifiedDateFromL=1542057491055&&resourceModifiedDateToL=1542057491200&views=viewTags&pageSize=20" -b ./cookie